Do you live in an apartment and thinking about what to do with small spaces like balcony? Well don’t worry! Thanks to DIYers for sharing so nice ideas. I mean there is no best option except to décor your balcony with vertical gardens. Vertical gardens will really refresh your small space and give a more beautiful look to your living place.

Its a very simple but creative idea for balcony vertical gardens. As you can see in above picture that plastic buckets and planters have been hanged on wooden vertical frame to create vertical gardens for small spaces.
Please comment your idea about this balcony vertical garden DIY plan. Planters have been hanged with ropes on wooden frame and how rustic looking these are.
Another balcony vertical garden plan.
This is most popular space saving vertical garden idea for your tiny balcony.
Plastic buckets have been wonderfully hanged on vertical wooden frame to decor your balcony with vertical gardens.
Easy Balcony Decor DIY Plans
Decorating Balcony with vertical Gardens