How Do You Choose the Right Fireplace Screen?

fireplace screen

A fireplace screen or fireguard is furniture that acts as a shield between the homeowners and the fireplace. The main purpose of the fireguard is to prevent any sparks from entering the room. After all, a fire caused by the fireplace is one of the major reasons for house fires.

In addition to this, fireplace screens help prevent pets and children from coming in contact with the fire. Meanwhile, when it comes to dimensions (in inches), whether you need a 31 or 48 fireplace screen, you can attain it in different sizes.

Although, it all depends upon the fireplace’s size. So, if you have a fireplace and are not well-informed about choosing the right fireplace screen, you can keep reading this article.

The Material

When choosing a fireplace screen, you must consider the material. After all, it must fit your lifestyle and protect you immensely. So, if you consider choosing metal mesh screens, it is an excellent idea.

But why is it so? That’s because the heat circulates and gets through while still protecting from the fire or sparks. But what if you consider opting for glass screens? The glass screens provide more protection against fire or sparks when compared to mesh. But remember that glass is not a great heat permeable material.

Different Types

It is a must to consider the type of fireplace screen. After all, there are different types of fireguards to choose from. The various types include single panel, multi-panel, curved, or bowed fireplace screens. Meanwhile, the most common type is the single panel.

These screens comprise double doors to easily tend the fire. Single panel screens can be easily adjusted without doors and with handles. And with the help of the adjustable legs of the fireplace screen, you can sit snugly against the opening of the fireplace.

When it comes to multi-panel screens, they are appropriate for huge fireplaces and provide proper protection with the help of a 3D space. You can attain multi-panel screens with doors and a wide range of styles starting from antique to contemporary styles.

As such, curved or bowed fireplace screens provide ultimate coverage. They are unique because the screens can be adjusted easily to suit your fireplace via folding. You ca get more details about the types from Chimney Sweep Union County, NC.

The Size of the Fireplace

Make sure to check the height and width of your fireplace before you choose the screen. For instance, when it comes to dimensions (in inches), you may need a  48 fireplace screen or another. So, you need to compare the dimensions of the screen and the fireplace. You can also consult the service providers and request help.

The Style of the Fireplace

Do you want to choose a fireplace screen that complements your home decor? Well, there are a variety of styles to pick from. And if you are an admirer of the vintage era or your decor complements the vintage epoch, you can choose the antique style. As such, your fireplace screen will add a nod to the antique or vintage charm.

The floral Art Nouveau or Art Deco geometrics creates a stunning look of the beautiful bygone epoch and provides the ultimate modern safety and convenience. Also, a traditional screen fits different styles and is beautiful and functional. And you can attain this screen in different designs and with different materials like copper, brass, iron, and glass.

Meanwhile, contemporary is an excellent choice if you prefer fireguards to be modern and refined. The scenic style adds a touch of elegance and simple life to your beautiful home.

About Author


A professional writer, blogger and founder of Watch Live PSL, who is writing for various blogs including Mobile Fun, and Easy DIY and Crafts.

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