DIY Chevron Pallet Coffee table

Living room coffee table

Pallet can be used for making Chevron Coffee table for your living room, bedroom or garden. All you need is 1-2 pallets and a little more patience. You need to break down pallets into individual  boards and separate them with hammer or pry bar.  And then to merge with a drill and  screws. After that, the tree would  look a lot nicer and more attractive if you paint or varnish table with natural colour of wood to make it look more naturally. Wait until the paint is dry and  your table is ready. Chevron coffee table can be decorated with a colorful tablecloth, flowers or candles for hanging out with friends at night. Enjoy your beautifully decorated sitting place, because if you just arrange a small coffee table, it will completely change the space in your home or front of the house. Also it can enable to you very beautiful day start with your first coffee in the morning.

Living room coffee table

DIY Coffee Table Out of Pallet

Chevron style Coffee Table

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