Get creative with your bedroom decor with DIY projects

new bedroom decoration ideas

When it comes to remodeling your bedroom, don’t waste time or money. There are 10 unique DIY projects that will give your bedroom a sleek designer appeal without the high price tag.

1. Artwork for the Buildings

Using reclaimed wood, designer Brian Patrick Flynn produced a one-of-a-kind piece of art for this bedroom to provide a rustic-meets-industrial ambiance.

He made a custom built-in look for the beautifully distressed door by mounting it directly to the wall and framing it with some scrap trim.

bedroom decor with DIY projects

2. A Bedside Table in the Form of a Travel Suitcase

Have you ever considered making a bedside table out of an old suitcase? Start with a modest table and a hard-shell luggage that complement each other in terms of size. Use a primer and paint of your choosing to paint the suitcase and the table.

Drill numerous pilot holes directly through the wood underneath the open suitcase on the table. Close the suitcase and you’re ready to utilise your new table! Songbird Blog has detailed directions and photographs on how to make a suitcase side table of your own.

bedroom decoration new ideas

3. Headboard with Shutters in a Beachy Design

Using some unfinished shutters, Layla Palmer of The Lettered Cottage created a lovely headboard in a coastal cottage design. After being painted and mildly distressed, the shutters were fastened to the wall with screws.

This bland bedroom’s focal point is brought to life with a strikingly basic and inviting design.

bed room decoration ideas

4. Display Board for Mattress Spring.

A mattress spring works just as well as a regular memo board. Use a wire brush to remove any rust from a vintage crib mattress spring that could stain walls. Spray-paint it a glossy colour or leave it as is for a distressed aesthetic.

Screw each corner into the wall to hold it in place. If you’d like to hang something on the wall, you can do it with vintage clothespins and clips. Shabby Love has Melissa Urban’s entire project, with step-by-step instructions and photos.

DIY bedroom decoration homemade

5. Throw Pillows Made From Recycled Sweaters

Create a stylish sweater pillow out of an old sweater. The first step is to flip the sweater over. Using a tape measure, measure the circumference of your sweater around the pillow shape, leaving a tiny margin for sewing.

The sweater was marked and cut. Insert the cushion shape before sewing the two parts together. Turn the sweater right-side-out and remove the excess fabric. Hand-stitch the opening closed after inserting the pillow shape. To see Megan Pyrah’s detailed directions and photos, visit Brassy Apple.

cool bedroom decoration ideas

6. A Nightstand Becomes a Desk

Repurposing an old desk into a pair of nightstands for the bedroom is a terrific idea. See if you can find a desk with symmetrical drawers. Cut the drawers out of the desk with a saw.

Using wood fill and a router, match the beveled edges of the desk, and then paint as desired, repair any defects or holes from the desk disassembly. You can find complete instructions and photos at Sugar Bee Crafts by Mandy Beyeler.

bed room decoration DIY

7. Shades made of burlap

Because she couldn’t afford a custom window curtain, Erica Islas turned her attention to rustic burlap.

As instructed, she used spray glue to connect it to a roller shade and then followed the instructions. Erica completed the room’s texture with a sleek burlap headboard.

new bedroom decoration ideas

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