How to Make a Coffee Bar at Home – DIY Coffee Stand Ideas

Coffee Stand Ideas

Want to buy a fancy coffee bar to place your mugs collection at a single place? Facing budget issues? Don’t worry we are here for you. Making a DIY Coffee Bar is not a tough task to do. You can make a coffee stand for kitchen for less than $30. DIY crafting is a very good way to spend your weekend. So if you are searching for ways on how to make useful home accessories this weekend, we had you cover.

In today’s guide, you will learn how to make a coffee bar at home in just a few hours. It is one of the best DIY home coffee bar ideas, that you won’t find anywhere on the internet.

Coffee Stand Ideas

So, let’s start and take a look at the things you should have:

Coffee Stand Ideas – Materials and Tools:

  1. tape measure
  2. drill with 5/8” Forstner bit
  3. hammer
  4. pipe cutter
  5. mallet
  6. stud finder
  7. #000 steel wool
  8. (1) 1×4 x 8’ board
  9. (1) 1×6 x 8’ board
  10. (1) 1/2” x 5’ type M copper pipe
  11. (12) S-hooks
  12. 1-1/4” brad nails
  13. 2-1/2” wood screws
  14. paint or stain
  15. clear gloss spray lacquer
  16. 220-grit sandpaper
  17. paintable/stainable wood filler

DIY Coffee Stand – Cut List:

  1. (2) 1×4 @ 29” (side frame)
  2. (2) 1×4 @ 18” (top/bottom frame)
  3. (5) 1×6 @ 18” (back)
  4. (3) 1/2” copper pipe @ 18-3/4” (hanging rods)

DIY Coffee Bar Plans:

  • Use the pipe cutter and cut the 3 lengths with a size of 18-3/4″.
  • With the help of steel wool, clean the pipes carefully.
  • See the above cut list and cut the frame.
  • Use sandpaper to make the wooden frame absolutely smooth.
  • Make 3 holes on each side of the wooden frame to install the copper pipes.
  • Make sure all the holes are according to the copper pipe.
  • Bore the first hole from the top at 2″
  • Middle hole at 11″
  • Bottom hole at 20″
  • Now make the frame and attach the backside.
  • To make the frame robust use 1-1/4″ brad nails and glue.
  • For a great-looking DIY coffee bar cabinet, use the paintbrush and paint the frame as per your likings.
  • Insert the copper pipe in the holes after the paint gets dry.
  • Use a mallet to insert the pipe correctly. Be careful at this point.
  • Now attach the last piece of the frame.
  • After completing the frame, re-check it, and if there is any hole or stain on the frame, remove it first.
  • If you satisfy with the finishing, hang it on the kitchen’s wall.
  • With the help of 2-1/2″ wood screws, hang the coffee bar stand on the wall.

See the pictures below to make the best DIY coffee stand.

coffee stand for kitchen
how to make a coffee bar at home
DIY coffee bar cabinet
kitchen coffee stand
coffee bar stand

DIY Coffee Bar Ideas:

So now you have all the information on how to make an easy kitchen coffee stand within a day. You do not have to buy any expensive stuff for this project as you can recycle your store’s stuff.

If you face any difficulties while making a DIY coffee stand, feel free to ask in the comment section below.

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