Vipp opens Luxury Tiny House in Swedish Forest

Luxury tiny house

Dansih design firm Vipp unveiled a tiny house a few ago. The company introduced this tiny house for wealthy people as it costs over half a million US$. If you want to enjoy your stay in that kind of home, then don’t miss this opportunity as firm has opened a new “hotel” consisting of just the house and a Copenhagen apartment. Stay will cost €1,000 (US$1,150) and €2,000 ($2,314) per night, respectively.

Luxury tiny house

The firm describes its Vipp shelter as a “battery charging station for humans” as it features nice-looking little prefab with attractive industrial design and ample glazing. The hotel is installed in an isolated area in a Swedish forest.

It looks very attractive with black interior décor inside and reminds us a little of the Krane. There are kitchen, dining and lounge area on the ground floor but bathroom is off to one side. All of which is decked out in Vipp’s home goods.

tiny home on rent in swedish forest

The occupant can access the bedroom via a ladder that look like rather snug, with a glazed roof to enable star watching. Another large urban apartment, called Vipp Loft is available for booking.  The apartment is situated atop an old printing factory since 1910. Thanks to Studio David Thulstrup for renovating the light-filled space and its exposed beams contrast stylishly with Vipp’s own gear. It’s located in Copenhagen’s Island Brygge which is a central harbor area.

Danish design firm Vipp loft

Its also worth mentioning that the firm is planning another up-coming location, The Vipp Chimney House will be located in a former water pumping station that is due to open sometime in 2018 as there is some yet to be completed.

Vipp chimney house

“Our ambition is to have a palette of destinations with rooms curated to people who seek a one-off design experience, or customers who want to try to live with the Vipp kitchen in a home-away-from-home setting,” explains Vipp CEO Kasper Egelund. “A Vipp kitchen is for life, but you can start with just a weekend.”

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