Singapore based architectural firm WOHA has gained global recognition for their integration of environment and social principals at every stage of design process. They have designed many innovative and highly influential projects which have been built in many cities and countries.

In collaboration with Transsolar KlimaEngineering, J.A. Architects, Webstructure, and Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl, the firm has been hired to design BRAC University campus at Dhaka, Bangladesh .The design of the building is inspired by the local Sundarbans mangroves which comprises 950,000 square foot [roughly 88,000 sq m] area and will take 150-ft (45-m) height.
The design of the project includes some feasible and energy efficient features which comprise depend on solar energy, utilization of natural light and focus on green spaces as well as over 280,000 sq ft (26,000 sq m) of greenery on the walls. Instead of having traditional grounds, the architect has provided swimming pools, walking and leisure fields at rooftop.
“Drawing inspiration from the region’s Sundarbans, which have separate ecosystems above and below tidal level, WOHA’s 950,000 square foot [roughly 88,000 sq m] design for the campus is divided into two distinct programming strata: a private “Academia” raised canopy for learning and the ground-level public “Campus Park” created by remediating the existing polluted swamp into a bio-retention pond with lush native landscaping,” says WOHA. “As the heart and social nucleus for over 10,000 students and the wider community, the lower stratum will act as a gathering place complete with the University’s auditorium, multi-purpose hall, and public gallery. The “Academia” will shelter the “Campus Park” from Dhaka’s strong sun and heavy monsoon rains, while water-enhanced evaporative cooling will further reduce the ambient temperature, creating a comfortable micro-climate.”
The design of the building comprises collection /purification of rain and soil water for domestic use. An option for extension has been provided also in the design of building. The WOHA has aimed to turn a polluted part of land at congested area into a lush green campus which is due to be completed in 2021.