If you are looking for a new ways of organizing your home and making it more practical to full fill your requirements, what about making a bookshelf ? They are multipurpose and may be created in different sizes, designs and materials. However, focus of a DIY shelf design should be on your choice, available space and budget. Select anyone from the ideas given below.
1-Farmhouse style book shelf DIY
Supplies Quantity
1-Wooden planks 1½” (2 Feet x 1 Feet) 4
2-1″ dia GI pipe (iron stopper welded on both sides) (1.25 feet long ) 8
3-Wooden spacer ½ inch thick (1”x 1”) 4
4-Steel nails (1 inch long ) 50
Hammer, measuring scale , led pencil
How to make
1-Do mark on each plank at equal distances to fix pipes on planks
2-Place GI pipe on each plank and drive nails one by one using hammer and create book shelf as per image shown below.
3-Fix wooden spacer at bottom of last plank using hammer and steel nails to elevate its bottom.

image via wonderfuldiy.com
2-Paint drums as book shelf
Supplies Quantity
1-Empty paint drum having 12 inch diameter 5
2-Steel nails (1 inch long) 20
3-Pain & paint brush
Hammer, electric drill machine, measuring scale , led pencil
How to make
1-Local skilled person can cut drums from top as per image shown above.
2-Apply paint on drum as per your choice.
3-Mark point on wall to make hole .
4-Make hole in wall using drill machine and install plastic spacer.
5-Fix drums on wall by driving nails using hammer
3-Inclined wooden book shelf DIY
The procedure to make this stylish wooden book shelf is not so difficult to create.This is very good looking and provides enough space with minimal foot print.
image via decoor.net
4-Created by wooden planks
If you are good at DIY and have some wood working tools, creation of this wooden book shelf is very easy.
image via decorifusta.com
5-Pallet boxes as book shelf
Get some pallet boxes from local fruits & vegetable market, apply paints in different colors and organize them along wall as per image shown below.You could fix nails to keep them joined.
image via homebnc.com
6-Convert a Cable reel into a book shelf
1-An empty wooden cable reel
2-Ply wood sheet as per size of cable reel one side
3- wooden stick 12″ long 8 nos
4-Pain & paint brush
Hammer, measuring scale, led pencil
How to make
1-By supporting them through wooden sticks ,fix ply wood piece at middle of reel .
2-Apply paint as per your choice.
image via sixcleversisters.com
7-Book shelf created by pallets
This pallet book shelf is very practical and good looking also .
image source
8-Vintage style wooden Book Shelf
The process to make this vintage wooden book shelf is very easy and you may change size as per your space and choice .
Image source
9-Vertical & minimalist Book Shelf-1
Check out the grace of this vertical and minimalist book organizer which is very decorative and useful.
image source
10-Vertical & minimalist Book Shelf-2
1-Ply wood sheet ¾” thick 6 feet x 9 inch
2-Wooden planks 18 inch x 9 inch
3- Steel nails 1½” long
Hammer, measuring scale, led pencil
How to make Book Shelves
1-Place both plywood pieces parallel on ground letting 6″ from bottom do marking after each 15 inches .Fix planks using nails as per shown in below image to have an elegant book shelf.
11-Wooden Boxes Book Shelves DIY
Make wooden boxes of different sizes, apply different types of paints and hang on wall to have a unique book shelf.
12-Wall closet Book Shelf DIY
Utilize closet space in wall by fixing planks inside to place books.
13-Corner Book Shelf DIY
Check out this elegant and useful book shelf which has taken a corner in room.
image source