If adults’ rooms are being decorated, then why not to décor your kids room. Decorating kids room is a great and interesting DIY project. There are lot of ideas for kids room that I’ve found after exploring a lot of time on internet. Few are being share hereunder and suggested for your this weekend DIY project.

Hanging Portrait in Kids Room
Kids observe their surrounding with more attention. So hanging a beautiful portrait in kids room will add more beauty to your kids room. I’ll suggest portrait of animals like rabbit, falcon, eagle and horse etc. Other ideas include green portrait of hilly areas and mountains for your sweet kids room décor.

Hanging nest in kid’s room
To add natural beauty to your kids room, hanging a nest is a wonderful décor idea. You can hang nest in original shape or you’ve option to give it a natural color.

Kids room Table décor
There is great trend to décor table in kids room. Keeping a fancy ornament on kids room table will really give a good look.

Sleepy moon lamp for kid’s room
Kids feel pleasure like looking at moon and stars, so there should be sleep moon lamp for kids room. Idea for sleepy moon lamp is below.

Hanging Mirror for Kids Room Décor is also a great ideas to décor a kids room with modern look.