People use garage for car parking but most of them used it store different types of item, which they can’t keep at any other in the home. Therefore they use garage for storage purpose of different items like handyman tools, books and other equipments. If you are one of them who use garage for storage purposes then you should think about shelves to be built in the garage. Shelves have always been the better option to keep the things in order and safe. Therefore we have some gathered many easy and cheap DIY shelving ideas for you. If you have spare time at weekend then you can really enjoy this wonderful shelving project. there are so many ideas to build your own storage shelves in home but wooden storage shelves is the best option for you. I have garage in my house for car parking but I also use it for storage purposes. Therefore I feel a need of storage shelves there. I used pallet to make shelves of different size. Where storage shelves can be used for storage purpose, they also give a wonderful look to your garage area. Plywood shelves are also cheaper and easy to make. Pre-fabricated shelve is also a good option for you.
9 DIY Adorable Storage Shelving Designs