Some Amazing Ideas of DIY Handmade Jewelry Collection

Handmade DIY Jewelry Ideas

Handmade DIY Jewelry Ideas

I don’t know about you, but I know that there are many girls who love to use the handmade jewelry. Handmade jewelry is available at the stores and in the markets. But there are a few girls and ladies who want to make their own set of handmade jewelry.

Here I have a few projects for you that can increase your skills of making the jewelry sets. You can do it yourself easily and can increase your beautiful collection of DIY handmade jewelry.

I am sure, your classmates and/or your other colleagues will get inspired with this beautiful collection of DIY handmade jewelry items. You can also use these ideas to make cool bridal jewelry for yourself.

Brick Stitch Chain Earrings

handmade DIY jewelry

Here you can see a classic design of brick stich chain earrings. You can easily update this design and can make an entirely new earring style. You can easily attache the bottom of the chain with beds on headpins using simple wire loops.

Confetti Bead Hoop Earrings

earrings handmade

If you can dressup a simple hoop it will look dazzling and it will be very quick and easy job. The confetti bead earrings can be made by buying the simple hoops. You can choose a single color oe beads to make a simple earring or you can use multiple colors as well to make bead soup as you can see in the picture above. Use smaller hoops if youw ant to make several pairs quickly.

Circle Bead Pendant

handmade necklace ring beaded

Do you like the circular brick stich? If yes then you would love to make the beaded circle necklace pendant. You can do this by using almost any ring or link.

You might be new to brick stich, then you should know the simple brick stich circle earrings tips which you can find from many YouTube videos. You can then easily bead around the both side of the ring i.e inside and outside. You can use different colors of beads for inside and outside i.e one color for the outside and one color for the inside. Or you can also mix the different colors to make it more fashionable and good looking for parties.

Read more: Make Knotted Bead Bracelet

I hope you might be a new to this handmade jewelry thing and you need to have a lot more practice and experience to make these things, but believe me, if you try this you will enjoy making your own jewlery.

If you want to keep your jewelry items safe and easily accessible, then you must check these interesting DIY ideas for jewelry boxes designs.

It will be very good to make different types of handmade jewelry as you can match your jewelry with your different outfits without spending any extra money on expensive jewelry items in the market. You can check a few more DIY handmade jewelry sets in the pictures below:

handmade jewelry DIY

DIY handmade jewelry

handmade DIY bracelet Jewelry

jewelry handmade DIY

About Author


A professional writer, blogger and founder of Watch Live PSL, who is writing for various blogs including Mobile Fun, and Easy DIY and Crafts.

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