How we can define a modern landscape? Well! A landscape with uncluttered look and clean edges is a modern landscape design. This type of landscape design will really increase your property value and beautify your home look in a modern architecture. A modern landscape design a combination of concrete paths, patios, steps and planters. These all can be combined with metal and wooden accents.
What makes a landscape modern? Its all about to organize the things into right shapes with right angles. A landscaped yard filled with concrete is easy to maintain while plants are organized in neat rows. A grassy lawn a major part of modern landscape or it can be a modern landscape if it is gravel-filled bed and pathways or walkways.

Here are many types and designs of modern landscapes ideas.
Country Landscaping
A landscape with rows of flower, nice touch of fence, large shade tree and patches of tall grasses is defined a country landscaping.
Desert Landscaping:
Desert Landscaping means a landscaping with succulents, rocks, stone and concrete. These all components are combined with myriad options along with cool minimalism and cozy desert hideaway with plants and earthen colors in surrounding.
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Sustainable Landscaping:
This landscaping is a wonderful combination of plants benefiting each other. These plants defend each other and also defend against pets as well. To give a refreshing look always rotate seasonal vegetable, flowers and plants annually.
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Modern Landscaping:
There are many different landscaping designs and styles trending now. The key to modern landscaping is clean edges, well-maintained and un-cluttered patios and walkways, color gravel, giant pots filled with miniature palms, pencil hollies and other narrow small tree arranged symmetrically. Flowering plants must be arranged in defined beds or containers.
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Low Maintenance Landscaping:
A low maintenance landscaping design means less grass to cut, few beds to care and less leaves to rake. Despite of all these, it doesn’t mean that you are going to keep your yard bare. Don’t hesitate to add some brick pavers to turn your yard into a piazza, a pergola or arch that leads to concrete or stone path filled with gravel. Keep in mind to add the plants and tree that don’t shed or less shed.