Recycled CDs Redefine Purpose

DIY Collar with CDs

Until recently, CDs were very popular and people use them a lot. Music was sliced on a CD and when you insert the CD into the computer or recorder, you could enjoy your favorite musical hits. However, developments in technology and modern aspects of using the techniques have contributed that CDs do not have the previously mentioned purposes anymore, and they stopped being useful. But people have figured out how to redefine their use, to utilize the existing stocks of these products.

This idea is easy to apply in your home, because everything you need is a bunch of old CDs, scissors and glue to start with Do It Yourself recycled CDs project. You can create house ornaments, decorate furniture or use CDs to refresh and make modern fashionable accessories and clothes.

For this project , first you need to cut CDs to create different shapes and sizes that will help you to achieve wanted redefinition and beautification of your old items. When you prepare that recycled CDs pieces you may start with decoration. Living room can get new DIY CD painting and mirror, or you can make a lamp. First create a wood stand with a hole where you can put cables and light bulb. You also need to make holes to attach CDs on stand and one to pull cable through to input it into electricity. This is a little bit harder assignment, but it’s worth the effort.

If you want to make glass coasters of CDs, use the hole CD to glue decorative cardboard, but instead of using tough cardboard find some thin, so that glass can stand straight on coaster. You can also use hole CD to make a tool storage and just cover CD with fabrics and you will easy get transparent  CD organizer which can be put on wall. Make a necklace, earring, bag or renew an old shirt by putting CD pieces on the collar. Your options are enormous so don’t skip doing it.

DIY Collar with CDs

DIY Colourful CDs

DIY Lamp CDs

DIY Creative Design

DIY CD Picture

DIY CD Flowers

DIY CD Mirror

DIY CD Necklace

DIY Interior Design

DIY CD Creativity

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