Chandeliers have a very long tradition of use and a long time ago people tried to find ways to illuminate their homes. Only the elite could afford the most beautiful chandeliers which were decorated with crystals that were very expensive, while the poor had a lot simpler and cheaper copies. Today every home has one chandelier, but now it’s attractive that people have modern lightning so they want to make DIY extraordinary chandeliers that are very unique.
You can use so many different materials for this cool lightning project like old gentlemen hats, colorful umbrellas, books or any other material that you find helpful or useful. Create homemade three colorful chandeliers by using paper lantern and cover it with round cut bright paper and stick it on the lantern with strong glue. The similar process you can apply to make dreamy cloud lightning, just need to cover paper lantern with bathing cotton and cool LED’s.
Use some old umbrellas to make DIY rainy umbrella chandeliers in your kitchen or use geisha umbrella with interesting pattern for your homemade lighting design. For unique chandeliers you can use tire from the car or pincers and round wire base where you can put pincers and get very easy chandelier product.
If you have music studio or you really like to listen music, you can create great drums lightning. You may also renew your old boring chandelier, so use some colorful buttons, pearls and small chains to get magnificent lighting in you living room.
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