Rizvi Hassan is a Bangladesh-based architect who has completed a number of outstanding projects in his home country. The office believes in modern architecture values to create useful and durable spaces. hassan’s recent works include a collection of buildings at a refugee camp called camp # 25 located at Bangladesh. In this article I will through light on community center created for forcibly replaced Rohingya women and girls. The project has completed in collaboration with United Nations, a local NGO, BRAC and Bangladeshi government which taken two months to complete.

The purpose behind this effort was to provide a learning place, a support center and safe/hygienic place to wash for Rohingian women. Locally sourced material as bamboo, straw, rope, and tarpaulin has been utilized in this project .These inexpensive materials has helped to control the cost of project and blended it with natural landscape. As life of these materials is short they’ll either be replaced with fresh materials or something more sustainable when required.
The Community center comprises activity rooms, counselling room a store and an area for teen agers arranged around a central courtyard for their schooling. Bathrooms and toilets are located next to community center in a separate block. The women and girls has tested there creative skills through decorating the building by themselves.
“The exterior of the structure is ragged and tries to blend within the context (camouflage),” says the architect. “The texture, color and setting are inspired by the often seen ‘Paner Boroj’ (Betel leaf shades) within rice fields. On the other hand the interior has the colors vibrant enough to make a cheerful essence.”
The project consists of two phases from which first phase has been completed in late last year. However, second phase is due to be completed soon.