Cats have subtle taste and habits, they need some activities to spend time in better way at home. Handmade shelters/ toys are best option to fulfill this requirement and good source to express your love for pet cats. These cute cat crafts will enhance comfort and grace of kitty’s space. So collect supplies and get crafty for your pet cat.

Scratching Post ideas
Cats like scratching their body and they often do this activity to take ease themselves.
a) wooden scratching posts
This floor mounted wooden scratching post is very easy to create.
Supplies :
1-wooden piece 9″x 2″ having ½” thickness 1 no
2-wooden piece 21″x 9″ having ½” thickness 1 no
3-string 50 feet length
4-wooden glue
5- iron nails ¾” long 3 no
Working tools :
Procedure :
Drive nails at equal distance on wooden pieces to connect both wooden pieces with each other.Place glue on bigger wooden piece and cover its circumference with string as per image shown below.
image source
Procedure / tools to make this scratching post are same as above but length, shape of wooden pieces/plywood pieces and string are little different.
Supplies :
1-wooden piece 1.5″x 1.5″ having 12″ length 1 no
2- Ply wood piece having ½” thickness 1 no
3-string 20 feet length
4-wooden glue
5- iron nails ¾” long 1 no
Working tools :
Procedure :
Place wooden piece vertically, keep ply wood piece at center of wooden piece and drive nail .Paste glue on wooden piece and cover its circumference with string as per image shown below.
Image source
Wall mounted scratching post
Supplies :
1-wooden beading 1.5″x ¾” 24″ length 2 no
2- wooden beading 1.5″x ¾” 9″ length 2 no
3-wooden piece ¾” thick having 24″ length
3-string 40 feet length
4-wooden glue
5- iron nails ¾” long 1 no
Working tools :
Procedure :
Paste glue on wooden piece and cover its circumference with string .Now, join wooden pieces by driving nails using hammer.Hang with pillar as per image when completed .
Image source
b) Cardboard scratching posts
This floor mounted cardboard scratching post is very easy to create.
Procedure :
Avail a cardboard carton from local store or you may have at your store .By using paper cutter ,cut it in 2 inch width longitudinally. Roll all length and apply some jointing accessories to join .
image source
Cat shelter projects
Wooden cat shelter
Supplies :
1-Avail a packing pallet box from local store
2- Mattress and cushions
Working tools :
Hammer,wood cutting saw
Procedure :
Make an opening at one side of box for cat to get in. Utilize mattress and cushion as per image to have a comfortable cat shelter.
image source
Hollow blocks Cat shelter
This very attractive cat shelter is created by hollow blocks .Avail hollow blocks from local store .Apply white or any other paint as per your choice .Place blocks as per image shown below and have a elegant cat shelter.
Cat shelter made by old tires and pallet boxes
Supplies :
1-Old tires 3 no
2- pallet boxes 7 no
3-Steel nails 1½ inch long
4-Jute rope 3 feet long
5-Paint of different colors
Working tools :
Drill machine ,hammer, screw driver, paint brush
Procedure :
Apply different paints on pallet boxes, Make hole ¾” deep in wall using drill machine as per image below.Make hole in tires to insert rope inside from bottom.Fix pallet boxes and tire on wall using nails and hammer.
Cat shelter made by old suitcase
Supplies :
1-Old useless suit case
Working tools :
Utility cutter
Procedure :
Cut upper lid/cover of suitcase from backside of suitcase.Provide mattress and comfortable bed is ready for use.Keep this bed on an old table.
Card board cat shelter
Step by step tutorial to make this cat shelter is available on
Adventure tent
If you are inspired by these elegant tents place order online at
image source
Cat shelter made by old tires
Supplies :
1-Old car tires 2 no
2-plywood piece 1 no (diameter as per tire)
3-Wooden beading to fix on opening
4-Steel angle as per image
Working tools :
Utility cutter, hammer
Procedure :
Using utility cutter, make openings in tires .Fix wooden pieces at top of openings .Cover top side with plywood piece and drive the nails.
Cat food bowl stand
To provide you pet cat a graceful and easy to access food bowel, create this food bowel stand.
Supplies :
1-wooden plank 24″x 12″ having ¾” thickness with a round hole 6″ diameter 2 no
2-Carpet piece 24″x 12″ with a round hole 6″ diameter 2 no
3-Wall mounted iron stand to hold wooden planks
4-Adhesive bond
5- iron nails ¾” long 1 no
6-Serving bowels
Working tools :
Procedure :
Fix iron stand at bottom of wooden planks and then at wall using nails / hammer .Paste bond on to surface of wooden and join carpet on it.
Cat puzzle toy
Supplies :
1-Card board shoes box 1 no
2-Card board tissue roll 11 no
3-Packing paper
Working tools :
Paper cutter, glue
Procedure :
Paste packing paper on shoe box with glue and place empty tissue cardboard role inside, join one by one using paper glue.