How to Make a Tent House in 10 Easy Steps

How to Make a Tent House in 10 Easy Steps

Whenever you go on a trip, it is essential to know how to make a tent house in case of any emergency. You may have checked the weather before leaving but we all know that weather is unpredictable. Therefore it is helpful to know how to make a tent easy so that you can face any difficult situation. In today’s article, you will learn how to make a shelter with the help of tools available near you.

How to make a shelter

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to make a shelter even if you do not have an idea of DIY crafts. Continue reading and learn the ideas of building a tent house outdoor.

1- Arrange the materials

In the first step, you will need to collect the tools to build a tent house. You will need heavy-duty rope, 2 tarpaulin sheets, 4 wooden stakes, and heavy rocks around you.

how to make a tent house

2- Find the place

Try to find the best place around you where you can think a shelter can be created easily. A flat place between two trees would be great.

how to make a shelter

3- Make the soil slightly moist

Try to find a slightly moist place. Because in a damp place you can stick the tarp more efficiently.

how to make a survival shelter

4- Tie the heavy rope between the trees

Now tie your rope between the trees. Make sure to wrap the rope 4-5 times around the trees. Remember you will need to tie the rope to a sufficient height so that tent is not too narrow.

how to make a tarp shelter

5- Clean the surface

Make it 100% sure that the surface is clean. There should be no small or large rocks, small branches of the tree, or anything else that could poke holes in the floor tarp.

how to make a survival shelter

6- Place the large tarp on the surface

Place the larger tarp on the surface and make sure it is 100% smooth and flat.

how to build a natural shelter

7- Insert the stakes in tents

With the help of a hammer or a rock insert the stakes into the corners of your tarp. Repeat the same process and insert the stakes into the remaining corners.

how to make a shelter

8- Create the walls

Now take the other tarp and construct the wall. See the picture for a clear idea of how to create the wall for your outdoor tent house. Do not make any mistakes at this point. Make sure that the process of creating walls goes well.

diy survival shelters

9- Insert the stakes into the walls

Now pull out the first stake and line up both the sheets together and insert the stake back into the ground.

how to make a storm shelter

10- Build embankments around the shelter

With the help of sticks, rocks, and dirt make a small wall around the tent so you can keep water risk out of your tent.

how to make a shelter in the wild

Final Thoughts

I’m sure after reading this guide you can easily build a tent house. For any suggestions or questions use the comment section below.

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