Those who wanted to spend their time with nature and want to keep themselves away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, outdoor camping is a great activity. Outdoor camping can be an exciting trip for those who love adventures in their lives.
When you are going back to nature, it is important to feel a part of nature and everything you use should be natural. You can make your camping trip more fun by adding small DIY tasks that you can easily create yourself. These simple DIY camping things will make your camping tour easy and more fun.
Here you can find a few DIY camping tricks that can help you a lot on your camping trip.
Also Read about Most Recommended Types of Camping Tents
DIY Hand Washing Station

A hand washing station is a simple yet essential item that you must have on your camping trip. You can make this simple and easy handwashing station with just a few items. You need to have a big water bottle that can be used for washing hands or washing crockery items.
You can fix a tap in the water jug as well to use the water carefully. Don’t forget to fix a paper towel with the help of two bungee cords as shown in the figure.
This DIY hand washing station will be a great addition to your camping trip items.
Tub Organization for Family Camping
Organizing the important items on the list is very important so that you don’t forget any important items during the last hours. We can use a clear transparent tub organizer to keep the items on the list in that tub organizer.
Family camping is a great adventure and when you have kids with you, you can’t afford to forget any item on the list. Using this DIY organizer for a camping trip, you can keep all the items on the list a week or two before the date of the trip.
It is good to keep the reusable cheap plastic plates and glass instead of the disposable ones. You have to protect nature during the camping and disposable plates and glasses can’t be kept again in the organizer. So reuseable things are better. You can keep extra toilet papers, paper towels, tart for the tent to keep the dampness away and many more things in your camping tub organizer.
Check these 4 must-have camping tools.
More items that you can keep in your camping organizer are as follows:
- Coffee pot
- Thermos
- Matches or Lighter
- Table cloth
- Firestarter or a newspaper
- Coffee mugs
- Dish soap
- Hand soap
- Shampo
- Clothes pin
- Napkins
- Cutting Knife
and much more that is necessary for the trip.
Protect Toilet Paper Box
During a camping trip, you must have the toilet paper with you because there might be no toilet or no water at all. It is also important to protect the toilet paper from getting wet and protect it from the mice as well.
You can do this by using an empty coffee can. You need to cut a long slit from the coffee can. Keep the toilet paper in the box and pull the toilet paper out of the box from that slit. Make a whole in the box from top and bottom and insert a string in the wholes and then make a knot.
Now you can hang the toilet paper box at some higher place out of the reach of the mice.
Convert Baby Food Container into Matchbox
You often need to have had a matchbox during the camping trip to set up the fire to cook food or to have some light during the night. Keeping a simple matchbox is not a good idea as it could become wet and you will not be able to set up the fire.
You can prepare your own DIY matchbox by using a baby food container. You can keep all the matches in the food container. With that, you can use black sandpaper and can fix it on the top of the container using glue, so that you can strike the match on it. It will not get wet and you can set up the fire any time, anywhere.
Make Your own Camping Tent
The best part of the camping trip is making your own DIY camping tent. It is not a difficult thing to make your own tent but the task is very adventurous. You need to find a suitable place to make your camping tent. Try to find a place which is slightly damp and have some trees around.
If not trees, then there should be some small rocks or fixed stones to tie the ropes. If there are no stones or trees then you should have at least 4 stakes. You can also make the stakes by using a small branch of a tree and a knife.
A long heavy-duty rope and two pieces of a tarp are must-have things. Tie this heavy-duty rope between the two trees or two rocks that should be at some distant. Make sure that the height of the rope is lower than half the length of your tarp. If you tie the rope too high, the walls of the tarp won’t be able to reach the ground.
Now place your one tarp at the ground and remove any trash from the ground so that you can sit on it. It should be placed exactly beneath the rope that you hung on the trees.
If you want to get information about Grow tents, then read this article.
Now you have to secure the tarp on the ground. You can use a stake to secure the tarp in case the tarp has wholes in it. If you don’t have stakes or if the tarp doesn’t have holes then use the stones to secure the tarp.
Now, hang the second tarp on the rope and make the walls. Make sure that ends of the second tarp reaches to the border of the first tarp. You can use the same stakes to secure the second tarp that is used for making walls.
Your DIY camping tent is ready and now you can stay into it. If you don’t have the tarps or if you don’t want to build your own tent, then you can consider some of these tents as well:
1. High-Quality Hexagonal Camping Tent
2. Screen Gazebo Easy up 12’ x 14’ Picnic tent
3. DIY Fantastic Outdoor idea:
4. DIY outdoor Camping
5. Instant DIY Camping Tent