Due to lack of residential units, now a day’s, many people live in small houses throughout the world. A narrow and jam-packed house may be converted into a well-organized and comfortable house, just some effort and time is required. Consider these points when you are going to organize a small house.

1-Utilize Vertical Spaces
Use vertical spaces to store house hold items to save space and organize your room.
2- Separate Rooms into Zones
Often times in a small space, one room has to serve many purposes. Instead of throwing everything together, I like to create “zones” within the room to separate the spaces, define their function, and make it easier to keep them organized.
3- Maximize Closet Spaces
Provide enough closet spaces to place a lot of stuff inside without taking floor space.
4-Utilize Spaces under basin
We often ignore space under wash hand basin and sink, utilize this space, you can install there iron racks to place washing powder, detergents, shampoos and many more.
5-Apply light Colors on Walls and Ceiling
To create feeling of wideness in small spaces, apply light colors on walls and ceiling.
6-Organize your kitchen
Home organization is incomplete without working at kitchen. Check out my article “Easy to do Kitchen Utensils Organizing DIY Ideas’’.
7-Purge and Cluttered
Experts says that the small space is not necessarily the problem, the problem is that we have too much stuff. Make a list of the stuff you have at your home then decide which items are laying untouched from years .These items may be given to others.
8-Think Before you buy New Stuff
Your friend and some shop keepers will introduce something new to you, but before buying these stuff imagine your house which could not accommodate such things.