Since the last month, I’m receiving many messages and emails from people requesting to write a guide regarding how to make a food holder for pets?

Today, I’m going to share an easy guide on how you can make a DIY dog bowl stand while
remaining on a low budget. Buying a dog food holder from the market could cost you $50 – $80.
You can save your money and make a bowl stand for your pet at home.
DIY Dog Food Holder
So let’s get started and take a quick look at the things you will need to make a simple food holder for your dog.
You will need a premium pine board – Size:
A 12″ wide pine board
Cut your pine board into the following measurements:

Four pieces at 8.5″ long
Two pieces at 25.5″ long
Now take the other board of 25.5″ x 12″ size. Keep in mind this board will be used to place the food bowls. Now you need to make the two holes according to the size of the bowl.

For this, you have to place the bowl on the board and draw 2 circles with a pencil.
You may find this step the most difficult one but don’t worry you can use the jigsaw tool.
For people who do not know about the jigsaw tool, let me tell you that it is used for cutting
purposes. You can cut the wood in a straight line or in curves with the help of a jigsaw tool.
It’s simple, safe, easy, and the best for the people who love DIY crafts.
The jigsaw tool is available on Amazon at affordable prices.
Pet Bowl Stand Homemade
Before you start cutting the wood, make sure to make a small hole on the edge of the circle so
that the blade of the jigsaw tool could fit in it easily. Another important thing is that you also
need to make sure that the wood does not move at all while making the holes.

For this, you can take help from a family member but I recommend using a table saw tool.
A table saw tool is very good for this purpose. I used the table saw tool while cutting the board and it helped me a lot.
Once you completed cutting the board it’s time now to join all the pieces together. You can use glue for this purpose. Again if you don’t have glue in your store you can purchase it from an online marketplace like Amazon or eBay.
DIY Crafts
Glue all the pieces and let them dry for 24 hours at least. Glue is enough to strengthen the pet bowl stand. However, if you are not satisfied, you can put a nail on all the pieces one by one. After 24 hours or when it dries, it’s time to stained the dog food holder stand. At last, apply two coats of Poly and you are ready to place it in front of your dog.